Scam Alert #1: Buy insurance to get a debt consolidation loan:

Did you receive a call asking you to buy "insurance" in order to get a loan? It is a scam.

We do NOT call consumers asking for any sort of "insurance".

We do NOT make outbound calls to consumers, period.

We do NOT issue debt consolidation loans but instead will attempt to connect you with a debt specialist who may issue a debt consolidation loan. This connection service is FREE to consumers.

We do NOT charge consumers any fees.

Anyone calling you on the phone who says otherwise, are not employees or agents of Your Debt Fixer, please don't send them money.

Scam Alert #2: SMS messages about pre-approval:

Did you receive a text message or SMS telling you that you've been pre-approved? Please report it to us!

We do NOT send out SMS or text messages to consumers.

We attempt to connect consumers with a debt specialist who could assist you with reducing your debts. Because we are not debt specialists ourselves, we are unable to pre-approve anyone.

Anyone sending you SMS or text does so without our permission and against our terms & conditions.

Please send us the exact text message that you received via our Contact Us form so that we can identify the marketing company and take appropriate measures.

Scam Alert #3: Phantom Debt Collection Alert:

Please be advised, there are fake debt collection rings operating overseas who are attempting to collect phantom debts from consumers.

Your Debt Fixer does not make loans to consumers, instead we attempt to connect consumers with debt specialists who may offer a debt consolidation loan.

You will have no debts with us.